It’s a flexible farming method based on the fact that Orna is a GPS game, which means you should move as much as possible (yes, I indeed am an old-schooler in GPS gaming).
Basics and main principles
The main synergetic ‘set’ which makes the whole thing work smoothly is this:
- chaos scrolls
- affinity candles
- occult candles
- movement
The CAOM works this way:
- Chaos scrolls ensure you get all weathers and all day/night mobs in the terrain (since we mainly move on land you get a certain limited pool there). Once you cross water (very exclusive in terms of mobs) or woods (can include land mobs, too), you will get some other ones. For details check out Orna.Guide and apply required filters of your tier and terrain, make your own list of available mobs to mark their profitability for your personal use. I needed exp to reach 250, so I focussed on T10 mobs, mainly Lyoness guys, Arcane Trolls and A. Cthulhus. It also affects the rate of berserk (zerk) mob spawns.
- Affinity Candles are rather self-explanatory — you get only your tier and one tier lower mob pool; the only exception will be various Mimic mobs and Rubbish on water. Also, unless you use a Chaos Scroll, Night biom (the moon) overrides affinity giving you all night mobs all tiers. It also affects the rate of zerk mob spawns.
- Occult Candle is another obvious item. You get more mobs. You can add a Beast’s Blood for more spawns if you are in a rural area with few players, but in a densely played city it might actually reduce the zerk spawn rate (counterintuitively).
- Movement. Yes, in red (like a blood trail on a shark’s hunting spree) because it’s the key element which makes the three above work for you! Unless you move, that is, you change areas all the time, you will not get a desired number of Berserk mobs. I highly recommend open air public transport where you can stay safely for hours. Also, you can do it when you have to travel to some place whether it’s you office/school or a long-distance commuting journey. Please, do not drive and play! Get a friend to take you around while you destroy the mobs as a passenger. Safety first, pixels last. And let me repeat that again: if you are stationary, the method doesn’t work. You get very few zerks. So, sorry, OT grinders, CAOM doesn’t work for you at all.

You pop up all the field bonuses and go. For best results you need to be able to kill mobs as fast as possible. Preferably, one-shot them. You need to adjust that to your build and needs. There are three main applications of this CAOM farming principle:
- EXP farming (so, choose exp gear and exp boosters)
- Orn farming (well, d’oh)
- Twilightstone (Dark Pegasi exclusive material from weapons they drop)
I believe you can find good guides on orn, exp and luck gear from various sources. Say, OrnaLegends site. Two things you focus on are specific drop boosters and damage. You hit fast and hit hard. You know, the wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am idea. And, of course, you choose your fights. Do not go for lengthy fights unless these are the Dark Pegasi you need. Yes, those buggers are tough if you can’t one-shot them.
What about Bosses and Dungeons?
Of course, you do not omit boss fights, but be sure to focus on your tier bosses. At T10, if you have a choice between a Goblin Lord and a zerk Lyoness Assassin, well, it’s obvious who wins hands down. As for dungeons, use them when you have to stop or when you feel like you want a bit of a change. Same goes for exploration and control fights.